
Posts Tagged ‘Eminem’

It’s been quite some time since I posted here. Not that I didn’t have anything to post about.. just that I was too lazy or didn’t have the energy or the inspiration to write. A lot has happened over the past few months. Many items checked off my bucket list. Some life-changing experiences. Since last Saturday, I’ve been under a lot of stress on personal front. Fortunately, my family and friends are there so I’m not alone. Was OK yesterday but am anxious again today. Somehow, this afternoon I started singing Walk on Water by Eminem. This song is so close to my heart. I sing it when I’m happy or inspired.. and when I’m worried or anxious or really scared.. Right now is such a time and this song continues to help. It’s one of the most beautiful and most vulnerable songs (if that’s grammatically correct) I’ve ever heard. Most of the times, when I hear it, it makes me cry. I don’t understand the hate this song received (and continues to receive) from many people. Who would hate such an honest and open song? A fellow human being is baring his soul to us and we reciprocate with hatred? Why? Because it does not have a beat or does not fit our template for what a song should sound like? I don’t understand all this. I don’t understand people. I just know that from the first time I listened to it I fell in love with this song. I made sure that I memorize it so I can sing along.

So, this song I dedicate to all those who may be going through tough times and need a helping hand but don’t have anyone around.. or who do not have the courage to reach out fearing it will make them look vulnerable. Know that you’re not alone.. and that you don’t have to deal with life all alone. It is OK to be vulnerable. It is OK to let people know that you’re not as strong as they may think you are. There are people in this world who are there to lend a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on. Just reach out. I did. And have never regretted it.

P.S. To Em: I hope you know how much your music affects people like me. Whenever I want to go away, I lose myself in your music. It’s something that helps me be at peace. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤

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My favorite rap duo is back! ❤ Bad Meets Evil reunion. We need a BME album please 🙂

Must admit that I caught Royce‘s flow immediately but just couldn’t keep up with Em‘s speed! Had to ‘study’ his verse at genius.com to understand it completely 😀 That’s what I LOVE about his music. You need to study it repeatedly and pay attention to his words to understand the real genius behind his work. Love the video as well, especially how they stand nonchalantly after delivering crazy bars 😀

P.S. Still trying to find a way to buy Royce’s latest album Book of Ryan. The available sites don’t allow purchase from Pakistan. What. a. bummer.

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This share has been overdue for ages! Straight FIRE! Em does it again ❤ Go ahead. Shut them haters up, Em. His flow changes, vocabulary, word play, punchlines, and, especially, the ability to create music inside music through his lyrics is at a level of its own. A special and gifted artist indeed.

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Apr 20, 2008 – the day Eminem became clean from his addiction to prescription medication.

Em hasn’t looked back since then, and thank God for that! As he celebrates 10 years of sobriety today, my prayers, congratulations and best wishes are with him and his loved ones. He is sharper than ever as an MC (with his crazy lyricism, wordplay & word-bending, complex rhymes & flows, and superb vocal skills) and has grown so much as an artist and a human being. So happy to see him happy and enjoying his life with his loved ones. May he continue to remain sober and enjoy the best that life has to offer. He remains a true inspiration to the people going through difficult times in their lives.

What better way to celebrate this milestone than to listen to his music, especially the song Not Afraid off his 2010 album Recovery. Much respect and love for you, Em ❤ Stay strong; stay blessed!

If you or anyone you know are going through a tough time or trying to get rid of addiction, please reach out. You don’t have to battle the addiction alone, and can find a helping hand.

U.S.A. SAMHSA Helpline: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline
U.K. NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/livewell/drugs/pages/drugtreatment.aspx
Pakistan: https://htv.com.pk/health/rehab-centers-in-pakistan

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This song from years ago popped up in my head this morning out of nowhere.. I started singing it without even thinking about it. And then, I connected it with Eminem‘s #Arose from his latest album #Revival (where it’s been sampled)! I knew that it was a sample of Bette Middler‘s song but I just did not focus on the sample even though I’ve listened to this song God knows how many times. For me, the sample remained something in the background. Don’t know why I started singing it today.. haven’t ‘listened’ to it for at least over a decade. One of those experiences that were truly like a ‘light bulb’ moment. One more reason to love Em & his music ❤

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A beautifully made video for a beautiful and raw song.. This is going into my all-time favorite Em songs. Stay blessed, Em (amen) ❤

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Eminem – Demon Inside

Feels like a horror movie! The imagery, the rhymes and the beat are superb!

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Part 2 is my favorite, for obvious reasons ❤

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Past two weeks have been like a whirlwind! So much has happened that I am still trying to grasp and internalize it. Surreal, emotional, overflowing. I have to write about it soon… Em’s new song has added to this mix. It’s so raw, honest, and open that it makes me cry everytime I listen to it.. That’s what I love & respect about him and his art. His brutal honesty and courage. He can pack so much emotion in one song that it feels like going on a rollercoaster ride. Been trying to purchase the song online but the darned websites aren’t accepting my card! Soon hopefully.. Em’s live performance on MTV Euro Music Awards was superb too. He’s one of the few artists who sound exactly the same live as they do on a studio album ❤ Wish I could experience it live. Some day, one day.. Em’s also confirmed as a musical guest for SNL on Nov 17th!

Love, respect, and prayers for you and your loved ones always, Em.






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